* Advanced HUD option (moves text, reduces space used by obituaries and moves subtle motivator pop-ups) * End game stats screen has been updated with new stats info (Next Award, Rewards gained this campaign, Personal Bests, Mouse over info on map awards like Best Engineer) * Buttons added to mute limbo menu voice tutorial * Player models on the limbo menu now rotate 360 degrees when a class is first selected * Matches can now be paused mid-game via 'pausegame' or 'admin pause/unpause' * Revive missions for Medics/Technicians are now Tasks

* Vampire Strike beacon smoke effect has been updated * Fireteam leaders are now displayed with White player arrows, fireteams with Yellow arrows and friends with Cyan arrows * Mines are now highlighted by green or red dots on the HUD * Spawning vehicles are now static until used by a player to avoid exploiting * Vehicles at the main base of either side are now immune to damage after spawning, immunity is lost when used by a player * Subtle Motivators added - When players achieve various records in-game they are told so via a pop-up message * General Head hitbox for player models adjusted, damage now scales better based on accuracy * Updated bot AI for Tutorial mode: bots play less aggressive, assist more and pace the completion of objectives * Tooltips played in tutorial mode now highlight corresponding HUD elements where appropriate * Key tooltips now briefly pause the game in tutorial mode to help lead the player * Play Computer New Tutorial mode with pre-set bot skill levels * Additional option on the Game Settings screen (Advanced HUD, Respawn Text, Draw Fireteam List etc) * New options available on Play Computer screen * Ticker on server browser screen now links to external web sites * Added panel to the server browser screen that displays the users stats and awards progress * Server browser now updates player count the instant somebody chooses to connect to it * Front End Hot Servers listing added to the server browser (includes listing of number of players considering joining the server) I would say after 1999 this wasn't an issue anymore as more and more games were made with 3D cards as the main target.Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars 1.4 Changelog I think this was because early 3D cards weren't exactly the main target, they were more like a different option. Obviously, the increased performance and screen resolution was very important but i think these early games took a heavy hit in the visuals. Seems like there was a general reduction in contrast and vibrancy and an increase in blurriness when using a 3D card, and many games also had the piss filter issue, though i think Quake 2 was the worst offender. Look how vibrant and detailed is in SW and how washed out and dark is in Glide: Video is a bit low-res but you can see how instead of illuminating the environment, explosions just cause this fuzzy light effect around them, without the (impressive at the time) illuminating effect.Īnd here's Need For Speed 2. However, the game also loses the projecting lighting effects of the weapons when using GL. Quake 1 textures also take a hit but without the piss filter so it's not as bad. Look how GL filtering completely mangles the textures on the weapons, making them look like they barely have textures at all.